Why Use Recycled Paper?

12 May 2023
Why Use Recycled Paper?

In today's fast-paced, digital world, the importance of eco-friendly habits may occasionally take a backseat. But did you know that switching to recycled paper can substantially impact our environment and resources? From businesses to individuals, making the switch to recycled paper promotes sustainability and significantly reduces our carbon footprint. Read on as we explore the many reasons why you should consider using recycled paper.

Resource conservation

One of the most significant benefits of using recycled paper is the conservation of resources. Reusing paper can help us reduce the amount of raw materials needed to produce new paper products. This means fewer trees need to be cut down, resulting in healthier forests, which in turn leads to better air quality and a more stable ecosystem. Additionally, recycled paper manufacturing uses less energy and water compared to the production of non-recycled paper, reducing the pressure on our finite resources.

Waste reduction

Recycled paper helps decrease the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Since paper can be recycled up to five to seven times, it reduces the demand for brand-new paper products and ensures already-existing materials get used to their fullest potential. This not only conserves resources but also lowers costs associated with waste disposal and landfill management.

Climate change mitigation

Climate change is a pressing issue that affects us all, and choosing to use recycled paper can help combat its effects. The production of recycled paper results in lower carbon emissions compared to non-recycled paper manufacturing. By choosing recycled paper, you actively contribute to reducing greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere, supporting efforts towards mitigating climate change.

Economic benefits

Apart from the environmental benefits, using recycled paper could also prove to be economically advantageous. With businesses becoming more conscious of their ecological footprint, using green products may garner positive attention and build a  brand reputation. Plus, as communities and governments introduce incentives for eco-friendly practices and impose taxes on environmentally harmful activities, using recycled paper may ultimately be more cost-effective in the long run.

Technological advancements

In the past, recycled paper was often perceived to be of lower quality compared to non-recycled paper, with its off-white hue and inferior performance. However, thanks to technological advancements, recycled paper has come a long way. It now boasts the same print performance, colour, and texture as non-recycled paper, eliminating any reason not to choose this greener option.

Recycled paper clearly has a lot to offer

Investing in recycled paper is the smart choice for any business or individual that wants to give something back to the Earth. Through recycled paper, you can save energy, cut down on greenhouse gas emissions and reduce waste – all at an affordable price. It requires minimal effort and contributes to preserving the environment for future generations. It may not seem like it, but minor changes in our daily routines can have a big impact.

Here at Mankey Monkey, we offer a wide range of paper options, including recycled paper Browse our range of sustainable paper products today.